Mac Users – Quit approving accessories

Every new operating system introduces its own set of challenges, and MacOS is no exception. With each upgrade or update, MacOS users often encounter new hurdles.

One common issue for those using MacOS Sonoma is the need to approve new external devices each time they’re connected. This could include external drives, USB thumb drives, cameras, microphones, or adapters. Typically, a pop-up window appears to approve the device’s use.

However, there are times when this pop-up quickly vanishes before you can approve the device, leaving you unable to use your attached hardware. Or perhaps you’re simply tired of seeing this pop-up every time.

To address this annoyance and modify the setting, please follow these steps;

– Open System Preferences

– On the left-side menu, select Security & Privacy

– On the right, scroll to the very bottom. Under the heading Security, look for “Allow accessories to connect”

– Change this setting to “Automatically when unlocked”

By making this change, you should no longer need to manually approve accessories each time they are connected, saving you time and hassle.

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